Causes Of Low Indoor Air Quality, And How To Address Them


Low indoor air quality is a common issue for homes across the country, but especially in Turlock. We have all kinds of issues with air quality, which not nearly enough homeowners take steps to address.

Most people think of it as simply inconvenient or mildly uncomfortable, but poor indoor air quality can actually have a significant negative effect on your health and comfort over the years. If you’re not sure what to do about your indoor air quality, read on for some tips.


By far the single most common cause of low air quality in homes is the presence of airborne contaminants. These can include dust, pollen, dander, viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and all kinds of other microscopic particles. While most of them are not immediately dangerous to humans, breathing them in over a long period of time can cause all kinds of ailments from allergy attacks to the flu. The big one around here is dust, kicked up from the farms and other agribusinesses. Fortunately, there are ways to address high levels of such airborne contaminants.

The best way to deal with airborne contaminants like dust is to install an air filter or purifier in your home. These are systems designed to remove contaminants from your air supply, with the methods used determined by the kind of system you install. Air filters will capture most contaminants that are carried into them by the air currents in the ducts. Others, like ionization purifiers, will use ion clouds to draw contaminants out of the air. We highly recommend that you consult with a professional technician before you make any decisions about which air purifier meets your needs best.


Chronic humidity imbalances are just as much a problem as airborne contaminants when it comes to indoor air quality concerns. High humidity makes it harder for your body to keep itself cool, and will make it more likely for mold to grow in the various dark corners of your home. Low humidity saps moisture from everything in the home, including you. You may find yourself getting sick more often, and the furniture and other wooden products in your home may be more brittle.

If you have a problem with chronic humidity imbalances in your home, the best thing you can do is to install a humidifier or dehumidifier. We recommend that you consult with a professional in person before making any decisions about which humidifier or dehumidifier to install in your home. They’ll be able to evaluate your personal home situation, and determine the best system for your needs.

Please remember, this is just a glimpse into the issue of low indoor air quality and what can be done about it. If you’re looking for a way to keep your indoor air quality as high as possible, the best way to do that is to have a technician check out your home for you first and offer recommendations.
